What is an automatic circuit breaker?
However, they all have one thing in common:
they are part of the electrical distribution box that interrupts the electrical circuit when a short circuit or overload occurs as a result of too high a current in the system.
Once a fuse, now an automatic circuit breaker
The purpose of a fuse is also to protect the wiring of electrical systems against damage caused by high electrical currents. The difference is that a fuse can ‘blow’ and as a result will need to be replaced. A fuse consists of an electrically conductive strip or wire of copper, silver or occasionally a copper alloy that melts when a short circuit or overload occurs. This can primarily be found in old systems.
With an automatic circuit breaker, the overload protection consists of two elements connected in series:
a magnetic circuit breaker that protects against short circuits;
a thermal circuit breaker that responds automatically to overload.
What about residual current?
An electrical system is therefore protected by an automatic circuit breaker against short circuits and overloads, but not against residual current (earth leakage). Therefore, in order to protect people against electrocution and to prevent fire as a result of current leakage, there is yet another type of circuit breaker.

Circuit breakers and their role in cooling volatility
What is a circuit breaker?
It is a trading curb imposed by stock exchanges whenever there is heightened volatility. Circuit breakers became important tools for exchanges and global market regulators to cool-off since the 1987 Wall Street crash. Whenever a stock hits the circuit breaker, trading is shut down for some time in that counter.
Are circuit breakers always signs of bad news?
A circuit filter can be triggered even if a stock or an index is gaining too much, too quickly. For instance, in 2009 Indian markets witnessed circuit breakers due to a sharp rally of over 10 per cent in a single session.
When is a circuit breaker triggered?
The first one is when the index rises or falls 10 per cent from its previous close. The second one is triggered at 15 per cent rise or fall, while the third one is activated at 20 per cent rise or fall. The mandatory cooling of period varies, depending on which circuit filter has been hit. It could be as low as 15 minutes if the 10 per cent circuit is triggered. On the other hand if the market hits say the 20 per cent circuit, trading will be halted for the rest of the session.
Which are the other factors that impact the cooling-off period?
Apart from which circuit has been triggered, the quantum of the cooling off period applicable also depends on at what time the circuit was triggered. If the market breaks the 10 per cent circuit before 1 pm during any session, trading will be halted for 45 minutes, like what was witnessed on Monday
The cooling off-period increases as we go to higher circuits. If a 15 per cent circuit is hit in a session before 1 pm, the trading is halted for 105 minutes while the cooling-off will only be 45 minutes in case the same is triggered between 1 pm and 2:30 pm.
Resiliency Concepts: The Circuit Breaker
It’s almost effortless to get started with Node. You can basically copy-paste an entire HTTP server into existence and then install an ODM and you’ve got your CRUD app ready to roll!
Resiliency and Chill
One of the biggest names in the industry when it comes to server resiliency design. They are extremely dedicated to designing robust systems that will serve us all seasons of any minute of the day! But what is this “resiliency” anyway?
If the power goes out and it continues to work, your system is resilient. If there is an equipment failure and the system keeps on going, it is even more resilient. If you hit it with a baseball bat and the system is still up… you get the idea.
Netflix defines the principles of resiliency as follows:
A failure in a service dependency should not break the user experience.
The API should automatically take corrective action when one of its service dependencies fails.
The API should be able to show us what’s happening right now, in addition to what was happening 15-30 minutes ago, yesterday, last week, etc.
The Circuit Breaker Pattern
The Circuit Breaker in software design is named after it’s equivalent in electrical engineering, where it serves as a switch designed to stop the flow of the current in an electric circuit. It is used as a safety measure to protect the circuit from overload or short circuit.
Fun Things To Do At Home During Circuit Breaker
We are slightly less than a month away till the end of Circuit Breaker. How have you been spending your extra time at home? There’s never been a better time to pick up a new hobby. We’ve come up with a list of hobbies that can improve the quality of your life as well as make staying home more fun!
Pick up new skills with free online courses
It’s the best time to learn new skills – have you always wanted to learn a new language or learn practical skills such as creating a website or managing your personal finances? There are various online classes available for free to get you started.
If content creation or creative work is your thing, check out Skillshare. You can explore thousands of inspiring classes for creative people such as courses for Adobe software programs, fundamentals of DSLR photography, iPhone photography, building a Youtube channel from scratch and many more. Not sure if it’s what you’re looking for? They offer a 2-month free trial for their Premium account and you can choose to continue with or cancel the plan anytime after the trial is up.
surely you can go solo on this. Binge-watch some of our favourite series and movies like Money Heist, Suits, Billions, Kingdom, Extraction and more. Besides the entertainment value that series and movies bring us, always take some time to reflect on the messages behind the shows and be inspired too. Take a break from your hectic routine and fill your day with laughter (and perhaps even tears), they are the best medicine to release your emotions and stress that you may be feeling during this period.
Grab this chance to take your cooking/baking game to the next level. Cooking/baking at home saves money, contributes to healthier diets, brings joy, creates bonding opportunities and more!
Things We Didn’t Know We Needed Until The Circuit Breaker
After months of staying at home, you have probably realised that you’re missing some essentials that you didn’t know you needed until all the shops closed. We certainly have! From foldable laptop tables to hair-cutting scissors, here are eight things we didn’t know we needed until the circuit breaker.
A foldable laptop table
One of the biggest consequences of working from home? Neck pain. While setting up a permanent home office can go a long way in making your work more comfortable, those who are working from home only temporarily might not want to invest in a desk and chair. That’s where a foldable laptop table comes in handy. It’s a great short-term solution that allows you to work comfortably from almost anywhere
A yoga mat
While you might not be able to do your favourite sport anymore, there’s nothing stopping you from getting some exercise at home. If you’ve been doing HIIT since the circuit breaker started but don’t have a proper yoga mat on hand, you might have resorted to placing folded towels on the floor instead
A convection oven
It’s a fact that a lot of people don’t like cooking and have resorted to ordering takeout throughout the circuit breaker. However, takeout doesn’t have to be your only option! A convection oven can be a life-changer in this situation, making it easy to prepare frozen and even instant meals in your own kitchen.
A coffee machine
What’s a day at the (home) office without a good cup of coffee? Many of us wish we had equipped our homes with coffee machines before getting stuck inside, looking at Nespresso machines in particular. For those who can’t start the day productively without coffee, a coffee machine can come in especially handy when working from home, where motivation tends to be lower.