Home Inspection Study Guide
The home inspection exam consists of 190 multiple-choice questions. Approximately 90 percent of the exam is based on the components of a home inspection covered in the prelicense education.
These two administrative rules pertain to license renewal, and it is very important you are aware of renewal procedures.
When reading the statutes and administrative rules (excluding ARSD chapter 20:74:03), you may want to highlight the following areas:
Who needs a home inspector license
Requirements to become licensed
Requirements to maintain the license (i.e. renewal procedures, ARSD 20:74:04:07 and ARSD 20:74:04:08)
Grounds for disciplinary action
The standards of practice
Once you have completed your highlighting, you need only study these particular areas for the exam. Be sure to review your course materials from your principles of home inspection course for the remaining 90 percent of the exam.

Home inspection report writing style guide
I participate in a lot of online discussions amongst home inspectors over how home inspection reports should be written. I’m pretty opinionated about this stuff, and so is everyone else Don’t I have awesome people on my team? When I tell other home inspectors about our style guide, the most common question I get is “can I see yours?”
I don’t have a whole lot of secrets. I share all of my inspection methods, tips, and tricks, but our internal report writing style guide has always felt like personal property. I’ve never wanted to share this document before, but the more I get to know my own company
Report Writing Style Guide
Always use complete sentences.
Avoid the use of “I recommend”; everything in the report is a recommendation, so beginning every other sentence with this phrase makes for a very repetitive-sounding report. The same advice can be given with fewer words and less repetition.
Use past tense to describe conditions. This helps to create a more consistent report and implies that conditions may change.
Avoid the word “you”.
Avoid the word “I”. The report isn’t about you.
Avoid the word “appeared”. This is weak language that gives the appearance of uncertainty.
Avoid the word “evaluate.” We’re inspectors. Use the word “inspect”.
When describing the condition of components, make the component the subject of the sentence.
Should the Seller Be Present for a Home Inspection?
Almost all home purchase contracts include a home inspection clause. Buyers want to know everything about the property: and we mean everything. Homeowners shouldn’t be around for showings. It interferes with the buying process, and can curb interest.
Buyers Will Feel Like Guests If You’re There
A home inspection is where buyers learn about any major issues your home has, as well as another chance for buyers to picture themselves living there. But it’s hard to focus on the house when the current owner is hanging around. They’ll feel like a guest in a place they want to call home. This makes them less likely to engage with the home and the inspection.
They Need to Be Able to Ask Blunt Questions
Home buyers need to be able to ask blunt questions about the condition of your home. What’s the state of the foundation? How’s the roof?
Is this place worth the price?
When the seller is present, it can make the entire process a little awkward. After all, who wants to be critical of something if the owner is right there? There are a lot of emotions on both sides of this transaction: the last thing you want to do is create a situation where someone feels uncomfortable or upset.
How Often Do Home Sales Fall Through After Inspection?
Sometimes home sales fall through after an inspection. If you’re properly prepared, this is unlikely to happen to you. But some buyers get the final report and start to panic. In some cases, buyers may ask for a lower sale price to make up for problems. They could also request that pre-existing problems be fixed beforehand.
Get Your Own Home Inspection, and Use Home Inspection Guide
Home inspections can be especially hard on the sellers who aren’t aware of the problems before they list. You could be in for an unwelcome surprise. It’s important that you know exactly what home inspectors are going to be looking at when they evaluate your home.
Have a Place to Go During the Inspection
A home inspection takes about 3 hours to complete. If you don’t have a coffee shop on the corner of your block, you should have a plan. We recommend making this plan well in advance, especially for days when you’re with your whole family.
A Guide to The Home Inspection Process
The buyer’s home inspection typically needs to be completed within ten days of the Final Acceptance Date of the purchase agreement (refer to your Purchase Agreement). See our list of inspectors that we have worked with. These inspectors have repeatedly demonstrated to us that they provide quality, reputable services; however, you are free to use any inspector that you would like.
Types of Inspections
There are several types of inspections that may apply to the home/property that you are considering for purchase. The most common inspections include a home inspection and radon testing and also a well water test and septic inspection when applicable. There are other types of inspections/tests available; however, most are not very common in Minnesota such as a pest, mold, or lead
Is a Home Inspection Necessary?
Buying a house is serious business and will likely be the largest investment that you will ever make. It is important that you know as much as possible about the condition of a home and property before you purchase it. Having a home inspection performed will identify the condition of the home and property, minimize unexpected problems, and help you determine whether or not major repairs are necessary.
What Does a Home Inspection Include?
Although a “Home Inspection” is very thorough and includes a general inspection of all mechanicals, it does not include specialized inspections. You should ask your inspector if they are qualified/licensed/certified to perform the specialized inspections/services that you desire; and if so, what the costs/fees are.
How do I Choose a Home Inspector?
We have a list of inspectors that we have worked with and who have proven themselves; however, you are free to choose any home inspector that you would like. Here are some questions that you may want to ask potential inspectors before choosing one.
Are you licensed?
How many inspections have you performed?
Is this your full-time business or do you do this part time/on the side?
Can I attend the inspection?
Are you a member of a home inspector’s trade association?
Are you certified?
How much will the inspection cost?
What is included in the inspection?
Do you provide radon testing?
What type of inspection report can I expect?
Do you have a sample report for me to view?
When and how will I receive the inspection report?
A Complete Guide About Home Inspection
The home inspection determines living conditions in a house. It helps you know if there is an issue with the property or not? As a rule of thumb, there shall be an inspection before striking a deal. During the inspection, let licensed and trained officials examine the property and figure out if there is any structural or functional flaw in the house.
When exactly home inspection is required?
Here are some of the scenarios where home inspection is considered:
an inspection is conducted by the officials to determine if the house is worth living for and all the building protocols were followed during the construction or not? Officials pay in a personal visit to the house and perform a visual inspection. The process generally includes taking pictures and notes of the site. Based on that inspection, they prepare a final report which states the legality of the house.
Another purpose it serves is when home buyers plan to purchase a certain property. They ask trained officials to inspect the property on their behalf and let them know if there is any fundamental flaw in structure or if there is any maintenance work required at the property.
When listing agents bring a property in the market, they inspect a unit to determine the conditions of the house.
Usually, homeowners also schedule an inspection at regular intervals to get to know the current status of their house.
Potential tenants may also take advantage of these services and may get to know about the apartment in advance.
Cost to get a house inspected:
A home inspection provides you with valuable information. When you aim to strike a deal, it works in your best interests to have exact information about the building. However, it does not come free of cost. Though the cost of an inspection may vary from company to company, $300 is considered an average amount for a home inspection
How to find professionals for a home inspection?
Generally, people get to know about the best house inspector from their real estate agents or brokers. If you do not feel content with the name provided to you by your agent, you may ask your friends or family to recommend someone to you.
Another good source is to read reviews or feedback in online journals or websites.
Besides, you may also approach companies who give training to the house inspectors such as the National Association of Home Inspectors (NAHI) and the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI).
You should ask the following question before hiring a home inspector:
Working experience
Any previous house inspection report prepared by him.
How long does it take for inspection?
You shall expect it to take at least a couple of hours. It may take more time if the house is bigger than average or if you have asked for any additional service during the inspection. The process includes taking pictures, jotting down irregularities, and examining every area.